Q. When is my story due? A. All stories must be in by midnight (Central Time) on the 20th of the month before publication.
Q. How will I know if my story has been accepted? A. All submitting authors will hear back—yes or no—by the 25th of the month before publication.
Q. Where do I submit my story? A. All authors should email their submission in a word document to [email protected]
Q. How do I know what to write about? A. The prompt will be posted every month on the submissions page. A. You can sign up to be notified by email of each month's prompt on the contact page. A. We offer broad topics in our prompts so authors are able to take liberties. Use your imaginations. The goal is to have wildly different stories from a great variety of authors.
Q. Where can I find my story if it's accepted? A. The current month's publication will be on the magazine page. A. Previous month's publications can be found on the library page. A. Once a quarter we will collect three months worth of online publications and publish a print edition. We will share a link to purchase a print edition with each author featured via email. It will also be featured on the print page, the magazine page, the home page, and the submissions page, just to make sure no one misses it.
Q. Will I get paid if my story is selected? A. Unfortunately, no. This publication does not pay for submissions. However, since we do copyright each issue, Bunker Squirrel Magazine is a publishing credit that can be placed on your resume and query letters.